Prefix ICA » UFSS-13 2017-18

Renata Lucas - Prototype

Urban Field Speakers Series
2018 Programme

Programmed by Scott McLeod and Gerald McMaster

January 25, 2018, at 7:30 PM
Paul Chaat Smith
Gerald McMaster, moderator

The Comanche author, essayist and curator speaks about his ground-breaking exhibition Americans at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian, contrasting the paradoxical nature of the invisibility of Indigenous communities with the wide use of Indigenous imagery in the fabric of American life. Moderated by Gerald McMaster, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Visual Culture and Curatorial Practice, OCAD University.

February 12, 2018, at 7:30 PM

Rick Lowe
Sally Frater, moderator

The artist and activist speaks about his urban-regeneration projects, including Project Row Houses in Houston, Watts House in Los Angeles and the Victoria Square Project, a social sculpture produced for Documenta 14 that focused on immigrants and refugees in Athens, Greece. Moderated by Sally Frater, independent curator and writer. Please note that this is a Monday-night event.

March 15, 2018, at 7:30 PM
Renata Lucas
Maria Alejandrina Coates, moderator

The Brazilian artist speaks about her manipulation of public and architectural spaces in order to reveal the ways in which our built environment determines action, behaviour and social relationships. Moderated by Maria Alejandrina Coates, independent curator. Presented in partnership with Latin American-Canadian Art Projects (LACAP).

April 5, 2018, at 7:30 PM
Agustín Pérez Rubio
Analays Alvarez Hernandez, moderator

The artistic director of the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA) speaks about his public art projects with Latin American artists, including the extraordinary urban intervention La Democracia del Símbolo by Leandro Erlich. Moderated by Analays Alvarez Hernandez, art historian and post-doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto. Presented in partnership with Latin American-Canadian Art Projects (LACAP).

New date TBA
Lawrence Abu Hamdan
Marla Hlady, moderator

The award-winning artist speaks about the intersection between sound and politics in his work, elaborating upon his research with Forensic Architecture at Goldsmiths College, London. Moderated by Marla Hlady, kinetic and sound artist, and associate professor at the University of Toronto Scarborough. Presented in partnership with the Images Festival.

Series pass sales
Series passes are available for $42. Special series passes, discounted for students, seniors and Prefix Photo subscribers, are available for $28. Gold series passes, featuring front-of-the-line privileges, guaranteed seating until 7:20 PM, and a charitable receipt for $100 for income-tax purposes, are available for $180. Quantities are limited.

Orders may be placed by phone or e-mail; payments may be made by cash, cheque, Visa or MasterCard. Please note that tickets to single events are not available for advance purchase and are only sold at the door. Unless otherwise indicated, all events take place on Thursday evenings at Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art.

For series-pass purchases and other inquiries, please contact Stephanie Mina Kim, Public Programmes Manager, at or T 416-591-0357.

For the presentation of the Urban Field Speakers Series, Prefix ICA acknowledges the support of its staff, volunteers and patrons. Prefix ICA also acknowledges the assistance of the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council, the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts.